The Radiobot 1.0 provides custom Cognitive Engine implementations to realize powerful cognitive communications for arbitrary application scenarios of interest. The Radiobot 1.0 is a robust technology solution that leverage advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine/Deep Learning (ML/DL), wireless technologies, FPGA and reconfigurable RF systems to enable cognitive jamming/anti-jamming, cognitive cooperative communications, spectrum-agile dynamic spectrum sharing communications and RF spectrum situational awareness.
Bluecom Systems’ reconfigurable cognitive antenna array technology supports fast radiation-pattern, frequency and polarization reconfigurability needed for cognitive radio applications involving spectrum-agility, anti-jamming and beamforming from L to Ka-band frequencies.
Powered by advanced Machine and Deep Learning algorithms, Bluecom’s Reconfigurable Smart Membrane technology aims to provide autonomous materials for tomorrow’s space platforms.
” Engineering Tomorrows Imagination “
What We Do

We bring, innovative technology solutions to challenging Problems in telecommunications, autonomous platforms and reconfigurable systems.
Meet the Team

Bluecom’s R&D portfolio is led by a core technical team of experts each with more than several decades of research and development experience in core technical areas of Telecom, RF reconfigurable materials and systems and AI/ML/DL.
Visit Us

Now we are located at 800 Bradbury drive. SE. Suite 213, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106